What to expect at Sacred Stone Massage
If it is your first time at Sacred Stone we ask that you arrive 10 minutes early to fill out a brief client history form, all personal health information is strictly private and confidential and for the use of Sacred Stone Massage Therapy only. This information allows your therapist to provide a proper assessment and determine the most effective treatment for each client. This information is important in determining what treatment is suited for any particular health situation.

  • Once you have completed your history form your therapist will take you to the treatment room and will review the health history you provide.
  • The therapist will leave the room so that you can get undressed down to your underwear (women please remove your bras), and you will then lay down on the massage table under the sheets provided. **Please Note: You will be under the sheets at all times. Therapists are trained in effective sheet draping techniques so only the specific muscles being massaged are visible.
  • The therapist will knock on the door and ask if you are ready before entering the room.

Our goal is to provide you with the best possible experience, so please let your therapist know how you are feeling during your treatment. Engage in conversation if you like, but also let them know if you prefer to be quiet.



Sacred Stome Massage Therapy is a full service Massage Therapy Clinic with five therapists ready to access and treat all of your Massage Therapy needs. We have five beautiful treatment rooms, a four piece bathroom, staff kitchen, laundry facilities and a beautiful front room reception area.